Values First!

Compassion and justice are values that underpin our society – we believe in helping each other out when we’re having a tough time. We need to make sure those values underpin the way we talk about poverty too.

Our Values First training - based on research done by Frameworks for JRF - gives you practical advice, and examples of how you can put our shared values at the heart of your communications around #ChallengePoverty Week.

The training is focused on the issue of poverty, but the principles have application for other important social issues too.

Talking about poverty

The original report by Frameworks for JRF, along with a framing toolkit and other resources.

Values First!

The slides from our #ChallengePoverty Week framing training.

Values First Framing Thesaurus

Words that can help build on some of the metaphors highlighted in the Values First training, along with phrases to bring values into your communications, as well as some advice on things to avoid.

For more information, please email [email protected]

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