Contact us

General enquiries

We are a hybrid workplace, and members of the staff team often work from home. Contacts for individual members of the team are available here.  For general enquiries please use any of the details below.

Get in touch

Contact us by email on [email protected] or by phone on 0141 353 0440 - please press '1' when requested.

Social media


Postal address

The Poverty Alliance
94 Hope Street
Glasgow G2 6PH

Charity number SC019926

Media & press

For media enquiries email [email protected] or call 07776 527839.

Our location


The Poverty Alliance
94 Hope Street
Glasgow G2 6PH

Comments and Complaints

We aim to continuously develop our services. Listening to your comments, compliments and complaints helps us to do this effectively.

If you wish to make a comment, compliment or complaint about any service you have received from The Poverty Alliance, we want to hear from you. Ways in which you can do this include:

The Director

The Poverty Alliance

Standard Buildings

94 Hope Street


G2 6PH

Telephone us at this number: 0141 353 0440

Please tell us your name, address and telephone number, and what you want to complain about.  Tell us how you would like us to reply to you: for example, if you would prefer an e-mail or a letter, or if you need us to use a different format.

You can ask a relative, friend or someone else to help you make your complaint.

You have the right to make a complaint, and you will not be discriminated against because of it.  We will always treat your concerns seriously.

What happens next?

We will write to let you know we have received your complaint, usually within three working days.  We will then begin to investigate your complaint.  You should receive a written decision within 20 working days.  If we need more time, we will let you know.

What to do if you are unhappy with what we say

If you are unhappy with our decision, you can appeal to the Convenor of the Poverty Alliance Board.

Our Values: We have a set of core values which underpins our work with members, donors and the public.  We will:

  • Be open and honest
  • Recognise the worth of individuals
  • Establish and maintain relationships based on trust
  • Act on the basis of individual needs
  • Be accountable

To read our full complaints policy and procedure click here

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