Mental health, welfare conditionality and employment support (May – Oct 2020)

Funded by the Health Foundation, with the University of Glasgow, the Poverty Alliance developed a targeted set of recommendations at the Scottish and wider UK level on reforming welfare conditionality and employment support for people experiencing mental health problems. Read the recommendations.

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Transport and Child Poverty in Scotland (Nov 2020 – Mar 2021)

Commissioned by Transport Scotland, the Poverty Alliance conducted research on affordability and availability of public transport in Scotland for families and young people living on low incomes. You can read read the full report here.

Evaluation of Fife Gingerbread Volunteer Buddy Project (2019 – 2021)

The Poverty Alliance is conducting an external evaluation of the Fife Gingerbread Buddy Network, overseeing its delivery and growth of its volunteer programme. This evaluation seeks to provide evidence of the impact that the volunteer programme has had through understanding the impact of volunteering for those involved in the programme and on the wider community as well … Read more

People working together - publication

Tackling the poverty-related attainment gap in Scotland (2021)

Commissioned by The Robertson Trust, the Poverty Alliance conducted a review of the poverty-related attainment gap in Scotland highlighting the scale and nature of gaps in attainment between children and young people living in the most and least deprived areas alongside a review of effective interventions and approaches that have been demonstrated to close the … Read more

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